New in 2023 - Clean Tech & Clean Power

Introducing the most important updates of our Clean Tech & Clean Power portfolio

NEW IN 2023: The last 6 months in review. Read more and discover how our coverage and functionalities have been enhanced.

Introducing 2023 brand new content

It has been an exciting year so far for the energy market. The attention of policy makers and industry players shifted towards a more balanced focus on sustainability as we progress with ambitious climate goals. Our teams have been hard at work these last 6 months listening to clients' feedback and observing market movements to enhance our offering. At Rystad Energy, we have introduced some significant updates to our Clean Tech and Clean Power solutions, ensuring you can navigate and stay on top of the markets throughout 2023. Here are some of the highlights designed to meet your workflows. Stay ahead of the markets and make informed decisions.

Key products highlights 2023

Renewables & Power Solution: Detailed economic analysis with our new Renewable Economic Model

Perform detailed economic analysis for all solar PV, onshore and offshore wind assets globally. Modify all cashflow assumptions to perform sensitivity analysis plus interrogate calculation logic.

CCUS Solution: Assess the technological carbon removal market with our new Carbon Removal Dashboard

Get detailed data and analysis on the tech base removal market, removal credit supplier and off takers, contract price, and screening for CO2 storage in basalt formation - all in one dashboard.

Renewables & Power Solution: Enhanced Renewables & Power Analytics

Gain a complete understanding of the renewables and power market landscape as well as the fundamental drivers of low-carbon supply chains with our enhanced analytics package.

Key products highlights 2023

Hydrogen Solution: Dynamix dashboard for levelized cost estimation of hydrogen & its derivatives​

The new dashboard helps to analyse and benchmark levelized costs of hydrogen and its derivatives across multiple factors such as: locations, efficiencies, future price reduction, energy feedstock. It allows for a wide range of user-driven inputs (efficiency, carbon capture details). Access a database of optimal LCOH from electrolysis for each year and each admin-level 2 geography level, by applying renewable energy modelling to estimate utilization of electrolyzers.

Renewables & Power Solution: Solar Market Analysis Dashboards

Understand the global solar market by analyzing utility-scale ground-mounted or floating solar projects and rooftop installations, including residential and C&I solar PV. Perform analysis of capacity outlook, generation, and economics metrics in detail.

Batteries Solution: Calculate and analyze battery costs with our new battery cost modelling tool

Calculate battery cell cost based on own assumptions on key cathode, cathode, electrolyte, packaging, raw material prices etc. Fill in your own assumptions and adjust your forecasts. Now covering 15 cathode material prices, 2 anode material prices, 2 separator prices, 2 electrolyte prices and 8 other cost elements across 4 battery chemistries.

Our experts views

We kick off the reflection process covering the past six months with an interview of our senior leaders from Clean Tech and Clean Power research. Artem Abramov (Partner, Head of Clean Tech), Gero Farruggio (Partner, Head of Renewables & Power), and Carlos Torres Diaz (Senior Vice President, Renewables & Power Solution Manager) are answering key questions on the status of the energy transition and clean power, and what challenges remain. In the interview, they also touch on key policies and global geopolitical factors shaping the energy transition.

Ready to explore further?

Our experts will answer your questions and help you find a solution for your specific needs.