Thomas Heerschap

Senior Consultant

Life before Rystad Energy

I did my bachelor's and master's degree in the Netherlands. For my master's, I studied environmental economics in Amsterdam. I completed my bachelor's at Erasmus University in Rotterdam, in economics.

Why did you choose Rystad Energy?

I chose Rystad Energy because of their leading position in the energy market, which was the sector I wanted to work in. I also chose Rystad Energy because of the international nature of the work, which enables me to continue broadening my horizons and interact with different companies and people.


What makes Rystad Energy stand out for you as an employer?

What makes Rystad Energy stand out for me is the supportive and pleasant atmosphere at the office, which is actively fostered by senior management. Everyone is always eager to help each other out and celebrate each other’s successes. Additionally, everyone’s opinion is valued, because Rystad Energy recognizes that everyone has something to contribute.


What are your passions outside of work?

I love to be active, which means cycling and hiking in the summer, and I’m working on reducing the number of times I fall while skiing. I also enjoy travelling, so I try to plan as many weekend trips in a year as possible.