Ready for 2024 - Gas and LNG Markets
Navigate 2024 with our latest developments in the gas and LNG portfolio
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In 2023, the global gas and LNG markets experienced a seismic shift, as sustainability and innovation took center stage. As the energy landscape evolved, so did we. At Rystad Energy, we've been listening to your insights and closely monitored industry shifts to enhance our services and stay on the pulse of these dynamic markets. Over the last months, we launched various updates to our gas and LNG solutions. This landing page is your gateway to explore the cutting-edge developments that will empower you to navigate and excel in these rapidly evolving markets in 2024 and beyond.
Join us on this journey of transformation as we delve into what 2023 brought to the gas and LNG markets and how our enhancements can pave the way for your success in the year ahead. Read more below on the key enhancements tailored to support your workflows and gain insights from our experts as they share their perspectives on the events of 2023 and what lies ahead for 2024.
Our experts views
After a super spike in gas prices in 2022, international gas prices have returned to rational levelsbounced back in 2023. In this retrospective, Xi Nan, Senior Vice President Gas & LNG Market Research, takes us on a journey through the past months, offering insights and projections as we look ahead to 2024.
Our experts views
After a super spike in gas prices in 2022, international gas prices have returned to rational levelsbounced back in 2023. In this retrospective, Xi Nan, Senior Vice President Gas & LNG Market Research, takes us on a journey through the past months, offering insights and projections as we look ahead to 2024.
Key products highlights 2023
New dashboard for global gas and LNG long-term market analysis
The new Global Gas & LNG Market Analysis has been launched. The upgrade includes new data from GasMarketCube as well as a more user-friendly layout, giving users more flexibility.
Global scenarios for gas and LNG added to the cube browser
Clients can now easily access and analysis scenarios related to gas and LNG supply, demand, trade and prices directly in the cube browser and through data feed.
ArcGIS based LNG Vessel Tracker
Advanced and user-friendly interface maps linking spatial AIS data and supply-demand fundamentals. Monitor your own fleet and look at competitor ships and owners to understand market movements.
Key products highlights 2023
LNG Netbacks to LNG Trade Tracker
This update will assist LNG traders to make trading decisions and provide LNG suppliers with a full picture of economics-based delivery options.
New North America Medium-Term Gas Outlook Dashboard
Get a full comprehensive view of the North America gas market landscape to understand the short and medium-term gas outlook.
North America Gas Solution: Canada and Mexico coverage added
Gain key insights on regional gas market drivers and assess short-term monthly supply and demand dynamics in Canada and Mexico alongside trade flows, storage levels and weather.
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