Shale Solution
Visualize detailed North American well data, enhanced with near real-time activity monitoring
Global energy markets have been rocked by unprecedented events. As a result, energy security is now at the top of the agenda across companies and government agencies alike. The US shale industry has never been more profitable, with cash flows rising rapidly as oil prices soar; despite inflationary and cost pressures, the global call for US shale is still on.
Access to the most up-to-date factual activity metrics is not a luxury in the current environment, but a necessity. Explore our complete and robust solution covering the entire North American shale industry, delivered through our daily updated database, as well as analytics and advisory services.
Obtain complete and detailed North American well data enhanced with near real-time satellite-based oilfield activity monitoring, thus providing a 360-degree perspective of this dynamic market, from drilling and completion operations to production and project design data, all of which can be correlated with well performance.
Our Shale Solution
With Rystad Energy's Shale Solution, you can access a granular and bottom-up global database covering the entire North American shale sector, from fracking activity, and supplier pricing trends, to performance comparison between different shale players, flaring intensities, drilling and completions trends, and much more.
How can this help you

Energy Companies
Obtain a deep understanding of:
Production and activity trends on both an aggregated and well level, for historical and forecast time periods
Similarities and differences between different operators, drilling contractors and service providers on relevant metrics
Flaring intensity, peer benchmarking and well economics including IRRs, NPVs and break-evens
Identify and value acquisition and divestiture opportunities assessing:
Drilling and completions trends
Different operators’ well performance, cost structure and acreage positions in areas of interest
North American shale liquids and gas supply outlook
Assess the market through:
Real-time activity trends, to facilitate reaching out to the most relevant operators in a region
Chemical data integration from FracFocus

Evaluate trading signals and opportunities through:
North American gas and liquids production outlook on as granular a level as desired: not just play but operator, county and other relevant breakdowns
Real-time activity trends, including: satellite imagery analysis for frac fleet tracking, live data feeds from drillers and DUC inventory analysis
Daily updates of permitting and production data

Understand industry macro trends:
Obtaining critical insights on the latest market developments
Understanding the call on oilfield services and how it is likely to evolve over time
Evaluating cost and well-performance trends across operators and plays

Understand industry macro trends:
Flaring intensity and ESG performance
Operator benchmarking and drivers
Granular production outlooks to help guide state or national policymaking
Variations in long-development development strategies across operator groups
Make better decisions with Shale Solutions across multiple energy types. Learn how below:
Relevant across energy types
Analyze complete and detailed North American well data enhanced with near real-time satellite-based oilfield activity monitoring and in-depth analysis of:
- More than 2 million horizontal wells, fracked vertical wells and conventional wells
- Short-term trends and total liquids potential for North American shale
- Well information, including multi-dimensional well spacing and frac interference, well NPVs and IRRs, breakeven prices, etc.
Obtain enhanced analysis of the shale oil and gas market with a timely and comprehensive overview of the latest development and forecasts through our:
- Monthly trends reports – providing monthly analysis of key trends in North American tight oil and shale gas plays
- Commentaries delivering timely insights on a range of topics from analysis of significant state data updates to in-depth fundamental research on complex industry trends
- Monthly play reports providing comprehensive play-level analysis
Bespoke consulting engagements delivered by our industry specialists on:
- Transaction support and market sizing: valuation of E&P assets, commercial due diligence, opportunity screening, market sizing and outlooks
- Benchmarking across multiple dimensions, such as costs, operational excellence and well performance
- Custom macro scenarios, supporting clients with more tailored scenarios, including dynamic simulations of the oil market through differing key assumptions
Our approach