Wind Solution

Stay up to date on all aspects of the global wind market and analyze the global supply and demand for onshore and offshore wind turbine components

Wind Trends Report – Condensed Version
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The global wind sector has seen massive activity growth in the past decade as countries look to boost installed renewable generation capacity and strive to reach their emission reduction goals. This rapid growth has sparked concern that onshore and offshore wind supply chain bottlenecks may emerge for key critical materials and wind turbine components.

Our Wind Solution helps you to gain a deep understanding of the global onshore and offshore wind markets. It allows you to get instant access to key project and country characteristics to analyze market shares and outlook, peer group performance and future awards.

With our wind data, you can explore the future of wind energy by analyzing the upcoming wind market developments, project pipelines, equipment demand, and economics for offshore and onshore wind energy.

Assess the market conditions regionally and globally with our wind database and dive into demand and supply balances, manufacturing details, and installation activities.

How can this help you


Access an overview of the supply and demand for each wind project component to:

  • Analyze developers' upcoming project portfolios

  • Gain insights on market outlook and potential for future awards

  • Analyze the global supply and demand for onshore and offshore wind turbine components

Energy Companies

Analyze the wind supply chain and benchmark your project:

  • Analyze market players and manufacturing capacities

  • Track record and cost formation

  • Benchmark company performance


Track wind project developments, timelines and current status to:

  • Screen for investment opportunities

  • Understand the market potential and make asset evaluation

  • Gain full understanding of global wind spending trends


Deep dive into individual market players' spending, contracts, and wind providers' details to:

  • Analyze peer group business performance

  • Receive bottom-up market outlook

  • Benchmark global players


Analyze wind market data to:

  • Understand global energy policy

  • Benchmark fiscal regimes

  • Gain full visibility of market drivers and peer group performance

How we deliver value

Understand global onshore and offshore wind markets activity to:

  • Screen for deals and benchmark projects, suppliers and operators
  • Gain visibility into historical installation time series of capacity and forecasted wind demand under different energy scenarios
  • Learn about the key suppliers for each component and their market share on a global, regional and national level

Stay up to date on all aspects of the global onshore and offshore wind markets through our:

  • Market trends reports providing an overview of the general business environment, macro trends, drivers and deep-dives into selected areas of interest
  • Frequent comments, summaries and deep-dives on a global and regional level, addressing recent developments and trends
  • Vast series of readymade factsheets at the country and project levels covering technical and commercial data, providing information on various regulatory processes, fiscal regimes, subsidies, auctions and tenders

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